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แบบฝึกหัดคำศัพท์ Academic Word List: Sublist 3

Writer's picture: Eng for EduEng for Edu

Updated: May 14, 2023

คอร์สเรียนวีดีโอราคาประหยัด โดยศิษย์เก่าวิทยาลัยนานาชาติมหิดล ตัวจริงเรื่องภาษาอังกฤษ เก่งขึ้นอย่างเร่งรัด เห็นผล มีเทคนิคเด็ด พร้อมเก็งข้อสอบให้พร้อม ประหยัดเวลาฝึกเอง ติดต่อเราคลิ๊กปุ่มด้านล่างได้เลย

Sublist 3a: Words 1-10

Exercise 1

Which of the above AWL words do you know? Match the definitions to the word:

Alternative Circumstance Comment Compensate Component Consent Considerable Constant Constrain Contribute

1. a fact or event that makes a situation the way it is

2. to pay someone money in exchange for something that has been lost or damaged or for some problem

3. Agreement or permission

4. happening a lot or all the time

5. to give something, especially money, in order to provide or achieve something together with other people

6. severely restrict the scope, extent, or activity of

7. large or of noticeable importance

8. a part or element of a larger whole

9. something that is different from something else, especially from what is usual, and offering the possibility of choice

10. a verbal or written remark expressing an opinion or reaction

Exercise 2

Choose which word will fit in the gap:

alternative circumstances comments compensation components consent considerable constantly constraints contributed

1. He did not have any insurance but the other driver decided to pay him ………………….. for the accident.

2. The ……………………... under which she lost her job are very suspicious.

3. The company built its own cars but many of the main …………………. were imported.

4. The family would like to go abroad on holiday this year but their lack of money is putting ……………………. on where they are able to go.

5. The refugees had no ……………………... but to leave the country because of the dangerous war that was being fought.

6. My supervisor wrote a lot of …………………. on my research paper. He wanted to me change quite a lot.

7. You are under 16, so if you want to come on the trip you must get your parent's ……………………....

8. They had been married for a long time but they were ………………….. arguing so they decided it was best to get divorced.

9. The impacts of the tax changes were ……………………. because they affected many middle-income families.

10. Everybody in the room ……………………….. about $50 to the charity, so the event was very successful.

Sublist 3a: Words 1-10
1. Circumstance
2. Compensate
3. Consent
4. Constant
5. Contribute
6. Constrain
7. Considerable
8. Component
9. Alternative
10. Comment

Exercise 2
1. compensation
2. circumstances
3. components
4. constraints
5. alternative
7. consent
8. constantly
9. considerable
10. contributed

Sublist 3b: Words 11-20

Exercise 1

Which of the above AWL words do you know? Match the definitions to the word:

Convene Coordinate Core Corporate Correspond Criteria Deduce Demonstrate Document Dominate

1. Matching or to be similar or equal to

2. Relating to a large company

3. A principle or standard by which something may be judged or decided

4. To get people together in order to have a meeting

5. A central and fundamental part of something

6. To reach an answer or a decision by thinking carefully about the known facts

7. To record the details of an event, a process, etc

8. Have power and influence over something or someone

9. To ensure that various different things work effectively as a whole

10. To clearly show the truth or existence of something by providing evidence or proof.

Exercise 2

Choose which word will fit in the gap:

convened coordinate core Corporate correspond criteria deduction demonstrate documented dominates

1. The …………………... problem leading to the bankruptcy of the company was that people were not buying their products anymore. The other problems they were experiencing were not a major cause in the bankruptcy.

2. By a process of careful ……………………. , the officer worked out who was guilty of the crime.

3. The story he told the police does not …………………. to the account given by the witness to the accident. They were different.

4. Several new staff were employed in order to ……………………. the Presidential campaign. Effective management and organization were crucial.

5. He is very loud and confident so he always ……………….. the discussions.

6. The human resource department decided what the selection ……………... for the new job would be. They wanted to make sure the candidates abilities matched the job.

7. The Minister’s negative feelings about the policy on unemployment were …………………... in the meeting and presented to the rest of the government.

8. The research results ………………... that the majority of people want to be home owners. The results from last year showed the same thing.

9. The headmaster…………………….. a meeting with all the teachers to discuss a change to the curriculum.

10. ……………………... responsibility is very important these days. Businesses must think about the environment and their effects on society, not just profit.

Sublist 3b: Words 11-20
1. Correspond
2. Corporate
3. Criteria
4. Convene
5. Core
6. Deduce
7. Document
8. Dominate
9. Coordinate
10. Demonstrate

Exercise 2
1. core
2. deduction
3. correspond
4. coordinate
5. dominates
6. criteria
7. documented
8. demonstrate
9. convened
10. Corporate

Sublist 3c: Words 21-30

Exercise 1

Which of the above AWL words do you know? Match the definitions to the word:

Emphasis Ensure Exclude Framework Fund Illustrate Immigrate Imply Initial Instance

1. to make something certain to happen

2. special importance, value, or prominence given to something

3. money saved or made available for a particular purpose

4. to clearly show the meaning or truth of something, particularly by giving examples

5. to deny access to somewhere or something

6. to communicate an idea or feeling without saying it directly

7. at the beginning; first

8. a supporting structure around which something can be built

9. to live permanently in a foreign country

10. an example or single occurrence of something / situation

Exercise 2

Choose which word will fit in the gap:

emphasize ensure excluded framework funded illustrated Immigration imply initial instances

1. The public were …………………... from the courtroom because sensitive information was being presented. They would be allowed back in to observe the case the next day.

2. My …………………….. reaction was to be upset by the comments that were made about my work, but later I realized that they were constructive criticisms.

3. There have been several …………………….. of road accidents on this part of the road so we must improve safety.

4. We must ………………………... to the students how important it is to wear the correct school uniform.

5. I ………………………. my university education myself by saving all the money I earned over the last two years.

6. Not everyone understood the point he was making, so he ………………….. it further by using a diagram.

7. …………………… is a controversial issue in USA. The government is changing visa regulations to make it more difficult for people to stay in the country on a long-term basis.

8. The government must …………………... that all children are given good advice about healthy eating at school. Children’s health will then definitely improve.

9. It is important to build any academic research using a solid and robust theoretical …………………………..

10. Thanks for offering to teach me English and I don't want to ………………... anything about your teaching skills, but I would prefer to get training from a qualified English Instructor.

Sublist 3c: Words 21-30
1. Ensure
2. Emphasis
3. Fund
4. Illustrate
5. Exclude
6. Imply
7. Initial
8. Framework
9. Immigrate
10. Instance

Exercise 2
1. excluded
2. initial
3. instances
4. emphasize
5. funded
6. illustrated
7. Immigration
8. ensure
9. framework
10. imply

Sublist 3d: Words 31-40

Which of the above AWL words do you know? Match the definitions to the word:

Interact Justify Layer Link Locate Maximise Minor Negate Outcome Partner

1. a relationship between two things or situations, especially where one affects the other

2. a person who takes part in something with another or others, especially in a business or another formal arrangement / the person you are married to, living with, or having an intimate relationship with

3. to react to or communicate with

4. to give or to be a good reason for

5. make as large or great as possible

6. to be in a particular place

7. a level of material that is different from the material above or below it

8. result

9. to cause something to have no effect

10. unimportant, having little influence or effect.

Exercise 2

Choose which word will fit in the gap:

interacting justification layers link located maximized minor negated outcome partner

1. There was no ………………. for increasing the speed limit on the road. The local government said they did it because it would increase the flow of traffic, but there have been many accidents there over the last few years.

2. The increase in revenue from selling more of our products was …………….. by the loss from the flooding earlier in the year. We still made no profit.

3. A lasagna has several ……………….. of pasta and meat.

4. The university is …………………... on the outskirts of town.

5. The Prime Minister viewed the protests about immigration as a ……………. problem. He was much more worried about the high unemployment.

6. She has difficulty …………………….. with other people in the class. I think it is because she is so shy.

7. The teacher put the students into pairs so that they would each have a …………………. to practice the speaking questions with.

8. There was definitely a ………………….. between the two crimes – I think the same person may have been involved in both of them.

9. He …………………… his income by doing a part-time job in the evening. This made sure that he earned as much as he could.

10. I don’t know what the ………………... of the negotiations between the countries will be. Hopefully it will be positive and they can come up with a way forward.

Sublist 3d: Words 31-40
1. Link
2. Partner
3. Interact
4. Justify
5. Maximise
6. Locate
7. Layer
8. Outcome
9. Negate
10. Minor

Exercise 2
1. justification
2. negated
3. layers
4. located
5. minor
6. interacting
7. partner
8. link
9. maximized
10. outcome

Sublist 3e (Words 41-50)

Which of the above Academic word list sublist 3 do you know? Match the definitions to the word:

Philosophy Physical Proportion Publish React Register Rely Remove Scheme Sequence

1. act in response to something; respond in a particular way

2. of and related to the body

3. a series of related things or events, or the order in which they follow each other

4. a large-scale systematic plan or arrangement for attaining an objective

5. to record, show, or express something / an official list or record of names or

6. to take something or someone away from somewhere

7. a part, share, or number considered in comparative relation to a whole

8. to make information available to people, especially in a book, magazine, or newspaper, or to produce and sell a book, magazine, or newspaper

9. depend on

10. the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence / a particular system of beliefs, values, and principles

Exercise 2

Choose which word will fit in the gap:

philosophy physical proportion published reaction registered relies removed scheme sequence

1. He is in great ………………. shape. He exercises all the time and eats very well.

2. The earthquake was so small that it never ……………….. on the Richter scale.

3. He was so pleased when his book was finally ……………... . He had worked on it for years.

4. The police worked out the ……………… of events that led up to the kidnapping of the child.

5. He always felt that you should live life to the full and not worry about the future. That was his ………………….. of life.

6. The …………………. of people who are overweight in the West has increased significantly.

7. Since his accident he …………………. on his family for financial support because he cannot work. He really needs them at the moment.

8. His …………………... to his bad exam result surprised everyone. Everyone thought he’d be upset but he didn’t seem bothered at all.

9. The company has a very good private pension …………………. . If you pay into it throughout your career you should have a good income when you retire.

10. He was …………………. from the team because of his bad language. It is unlikely he will be allowed back in.

Sublist 3e (Words 41-50)
1. React
2. Physical
3. Sequence
4. Scheme
5. Register
6. Remove
7. Proportion
8. Publish
9. Rely
10. Philosophy

Exercise 2
1. physical
2. registered
3. published
4. sequence
5. philosophy
6. proportion
7. relies
8. reaction
9. scheme
10. removed

Sublist 3f: Words 51-60

Which of the above Academic word list sublist 3 do you know? Match the definitions to the word:

Sex Shift Specify Sufficient Task Technical Technique Technology Valid Volume

1. based on truth or reason; able to be accepted

2. identify clearly and definitely

3. the state of being either male or female

4. a way of doing an activity that needs skill, particularly to do with art or science

5. a piece of work to be done or undertaken

6. a (often slight) change in position, direction, or tendency

7. the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry

8. relating to the knowledge, machines, or methods used in science and industry or the knowledge related to a particular subject or job

9. enough

10. book forming part of a work or series / degree of loudness / the number or amount of something in general

Exercise 2

Choose which word will fit in the gap:

sex shift specified sufficient tasks technical technique technology valid volume

1. There has been a ………………... in public opinion over gay marriage with many more people in support of it.

2. The book he was reading was very …………….. so he did not understand all of it. He was not a specialist in the subject.

3. She has developed her dancing ………………... over many years. She is now one of the best.

4. If temperatures continue to increase and rivers dry up there may not be …………………….. water for everyone.

5. He had a ………………... argument for changing the policy on immigration, so the government will consider it in the next session.

6. The …………………. of traffic on the road has increased significantly over the last two decades. This trend is likely to continue.

7. She took her employers to court for ……………….. discrimination. She felt she had been treated unfairly just because she is a woman.

8. The contract which was drawn up ………………... the terms under which it could be terminated.

9. The advances in computer …………………..have been so fast over the last two decades.

10. He had many …………………... to complete by the end of the day so he prioritized them according the the deadlines.

Sublist 3f: Words 51-60
1. Valid
2. Specify
3. Sex
4. Technique
5. Task
6. Shift
7. Technology
8. Technical
9. Sufficient
10. Volume

Exercise 2
1. shift
2. technical
3. technique
4. sufficient
5. valid
6. volume
7. sex
8. specified
9. technology
10. tasks

คอร์สเรียนวีดีโอราคาประหยัด โดยศิษย์เก่าวิทยาลัยนานาชาติมหิดล ตัวจริงเรื่องภาษาอังกฤษ เก่งขึ้นอย่างเร่งรัด เห็นผล มีเทคนิคเด็ด พร้อมเก็งข้อสอบให้พร้อม ประหยัดเวลาฝึกเอง




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