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แบบฝึกหัดคำศัพท์ Academic Word List: Sublist 1

Writer's picture: Eng for EduEng for Edu

Updated: May 14, 2023

คอร์สเรียนวีดีโอราคาประหยัด โดยศิษย์เก่าวิทยาลัยนานาชาติมหิดล ตัวจริงเรื่องภาษาอังกฤษ เก่งขึ้นอย่างเร่งรัด เห็นผล มีเทคนิคเด็ด พร้อมเก็งข้อสอบให้พร้อม ประหยัดเวลาฝึกเอง ติดต่อเราคลิ๊กปุ่มด้านล่างได้เลย

Academic Word List: Sublist 1

Sublist 1a: Words 1-10

Exercise 1

Analyse Approach Area Assess Assume Authority Available Benefit Concept Consist

1. Part of a place, piece of land or country….

2. Able to be bought, used, or reached….

3. Principle or idea….

4. Comprised or made up of….

5. A helpful or good effect….

6. The moral or legal right to control….

7. To come nearer to something….

8. Evaluate….

9. To study or examine….

10. To accept as true without question or proof….

Exercise 2

In this gap fill exercise you need to choose the correct word from AWL sublist 1 to place in the gap.

analyzed approaching areas assessing assumed authority available benefits concept consists

1. The discovery of oil brought many …..…….…... to the town.

2. Water samples taken from streams were ………...…. for contamination by chemicals. It was important to check it carefully.

3. It is very difficult to define the…………….. of beauty.

4. All …………….of the country will have some rain tonight.

5. Is this dress ……………… a larger size?

6. We could just see the train ……………… the distance.

7. I ……………... (that) you knew each other because you went to the same school.

8. The United Nations has used its …………… to restore peace in the area.

9. America …………… of fifty states.

10. Examinations are not the only means of ……………… a student's ability.

Sublist 1: Words 1-10
Exercise 1
1. Area
2. Available
3. Concept
4. Consist
5. Benefit
6. Authority
7. Approach
8. Assess
9. Analyse
10. Assume
Exercise 2
1. benefits
2. analyzed
3. concept
4. areas
5. available
6. approaching
7. assumed
8. authority
9. consists
10. assessing

Sublist 1b: Words 11-20

Exercise 1

Which of the above AWL words do you know? Match the definitions to the word:

Constitute Context Contract Create Data Define Derive Distribute Economy Environment

1. the air, water and land in or on which people, animals and plants live….

2. to form or make up something….

3. information, especially facts or numbers….

4. the system of trade and industry by which the wealth of a country is made and used….

5. to say what the meaning of something, especially a word, is….

6. to make something new, especially to invent something….

7. to get something from something else….

8. the situation within which something exists or happens, and that can help explain it….

9. a legal document that states and explains a formal agreement….

10. to give something out to several people, or to spread or supply something….

Exercise 2

Choose which word will fit in the gap:

Constitute Context Contract Created Data Defined Derives Distributed Economy Environment

1. The ……….. was/were collected by various researchers.

2. The institute ………… most of its money from foreign investments. It gets only a small amount from domestic investments.

3. Women ………… about 10% of Parliament. Men make up the remaining 90%.

4. Tourism contributes millions of pounds to the country's …...…… . It has helped prevent the country from going into recession.

5. In this dictionary 'reality' is ………… as 'the state of things as they are, rather than as they are imagined to be'.

6. They could take legal action against you if you break (the terms of) the …………....

7. Certain chemicals have been banned because of their damaging effect on the ………….

8. The Bible says that God ………….. the world.

9. It is important to see all the fighting and bloodshed in his plays in historical …………….. .

10. The books will be …………….. free to local schools. They are given out for free because schools do not have much money to spend.

Sublist 1b: Words 11-20
Exercise 1
1. Environment
2. Constitute
3. Data
4. Economy
5. Define
6. Create
7. Derive
8. Context
9. Contract
10. Distribute
Exercise 2
1. Data
2. Derives
3. Constitute
4. Economy
5. Defined
6. Contract
7. Environment
8. Created
9. Context
10. Distributed

Sublist 1c: Words 21-30

Exercise 1

Which of the above AWL words do you know? Match the definitions to the word:

Establish Estimate Evident Export Factor Finance Formula Function Identify Income

1. to start a company or organization that will continue for a long time / to discover or get proof of something……..

2. to send goods to another country for sale……...

3. a standard or accepted way of doing or making something / mathematical rule………..

4. money that is earned from doing work or received from investments……….

5. easily seen or understood; obvious……….

6. a fact or situation which influences the result of something………..

7. Purpose………..

8. to guess the cost, size, value, etc. of something………….

9. to recognize someone or something and say or prove who or what they are………..

10. the monetary resources and affairs of a state, organization, or person / to provide funding for a person or organisation………...

Exercise 2

Choose which word will fit in the gap:

Established Estimate Evident Export Factor Finances Formula Function Identified Incomes

1. Our clothes sell so well in this country that we have no need to ……….

2. From the smell it was ……….. that the drains had been blocked for several days.

3. The ………….. of the veins is to carry blood to the heart.

4. The brewery was …………... in 1822 and it still operates today.

5. We have changed the ……………... of the washing powder. There are now less chemicals in it.

6. It was difficult to ………………. how many trees had been destroyed, but it was somewhere between 10 and 15 thousand.

7. More help is needed for people on low ………... . They don't have enough money to live on.

8. Price will be a major …………... in the success of this new product.

9. The gunman in Wednesday's attack has been …………… as Lee Giggs, an unemployed truck driver.

10. The …………….. of the company are in a mess. They cannot account for over 3 million dollars.

Sublist 1c: Words 21-30
1. Establish
2. Export
3. Formula
4. Income
5. Evident
6. Factor
7. Function
8. Estimate
9. Identify
10. Finance

Exercise 2
1. Export
2. Evident
3. Function
4. Established
5. Formula
6. Estimate
7. Incomes
8. Factor
9. Identified
10. Finances

Sublist 1d: Words 31-40

Exercise 1

Which of the above AWL words do you know? Match the definitions to the word:

Indicate Individual Interpret Involve Issue Labour Legal Legislation Major Method

1. a single person or thing…..

2. a particular way of doing something…..

3. making of new law by a government…..

4. to decide what the intended meaning of something is…..

5. a subject or problem which people are thinking and talking about / to produce or provide something official…..

6. to include someone or something in something…..

7. more important, bigger or more serious…..

8. to show…..

9. practical work involving physical effort / workers….

10. connected with the law…..

Exercise 2

Choose which word will fit in the gap:

Indicate Individual Interpret Involved Issue Labour Legal Legislate Major Methods

1. The second accident …………… two cars and a lorry.

2. The car parts themselves are not expensive, it's the ……………... that costs the money.

3. It's difficult to …………….. these statistics without knowing how they were obtained. I don't understand them.

4. As employers we need to be seen to be addressing (= dealing with) this …………….. sympathetically.

5. The government promised to ………….. against cigarette advertising if they were elected. They believe passing a law to ban it is the best way to stop people.

6. Every ……………. has rights which must never be taken away.

7. Please …………….. which free gift you would like to receive. We will then send it to you in the post.

8. All of her ………………... plays have been translated into English. The other less well-known ones were not.

9. Travelling by train is still one of the safest ……………... of transport. It is the way I prefer to travel.

10. He sought …………………. advice about the car accident from a well-known firm of lawyers.

Sublist 1d: Words 31-40
1. Individual
2. Method
3. Legislation
4. Interpret
5. Issue
6. Involve
7. Major
8. Indicate
9. Labour
10. Legal

Exercise 2
1. Involved
2. Labour
3. Interpret
4. Issue
5. Legislate
6. Individual
7. Indicate
8. Major
9. Methods
10. Legal

Sublist 1e: Words 41-50

Exercise 1

Which of the above AWL words do you know? Match the definitions to the word:

Occur Percent Period Policy Principle Procedure Process Require Research Respond

1. a basic idea or rule that explains or controls how something happens or works

2. a length of time

3. a series of actions that you take in order to achieve a result

4. a detailed study of a subject, especially in order to discover (new) information or reach a (new) understanding

5. to need or make necessary

6. to happen (especially of accidents and other unexpected events)

7. for or out of every 100, shown by the symbol %

8. a set of ideas or a plan of what to do in particular situations that has been agreed officially by a group of people, a business organization, a government or a political party

9. to say or do something as a reaction to something that has been said or done

10. a set of actions which is the official or accepted way of doing something

Exercise 2

Choose which word will fit in the gap:

occur percent periods policy principles procedures process require research respond

1. The country is run on democratic …………...

2. You got 20 …………… of the answers right - that means one in every five.

3. Please telephone this number if you …………... any further information.

4. If any of these symptoms ……………….. while you are taking the medicine, consult your doctor immediately.

5. Her work means that she spends long ……………... away from home.

6. They believe that the European Community needs a common foreign and security …………….. .

7. I asked her what the time was, but she didn't …………….. .

8. The company has new …………….. for dealing with complaints.

9. Increasing the number of women in top management jobs will be a slow………………. .

10. They are doing some fascinating …………. into the language of dolphins.

Sublist 1e: Words 41-50
1. Principle
2. Period
3. Process
4. Research
5. Require
6. Occur
7. Percent
8. Policy
9. Respond
10. Procedure

Exercise 2
1. principles
2. percent
3. require
4. occur
5. periods
6. policy
7. respond
8. procedures
9. process
10. research

Sublist 1f: Words 51-60

Exercise 1

Which of the above AWL words do you know? Match the definitions to the word:

role section sector significant similar source specific structure theory vary

1. how the parts of something are arranged or organized

2. the place something comes from or starts at, or the cause of something / someone or something that supplies information

3. one of the areas into which the economic activity of a country is divided

4. nearly the same

5. one of the parts that something is divided into

6. ideas to explain something

7. different

8. position or purpose that someone or something has

9. important or noticeable

10. relating to one thing and not others; particular

Exercise 2

Choose which word will fit in the gap:

role section sector significant similar source specific structure theory vary

1. Salary scales …………. between states. They are never the same.

2. Experts are trying to track down the …………... of the contamination in the water supply. At the moment they are not sure where it has come from.

3. Does the restaurant have a non-smoking ……………...

4. Schools play an important …………………. in society.

5. There has been a ………………... increase in the number of female students in recent years.

6. The grammatical ……………….. of his sentences is very good.

7. The virus attacks ………………….. cells in the brain.

8. The new government's policy is to reduce the role of the public ……………... Private business will now play a much more important role.

9. I bought some new shoes which are very ………………. to a pair I had before.

10. He has a ………………….. that the hole was caused by a meteorite.

Sublist 1f: Words 51-60
1. Structure
2. Source
3. Sector
4. Similar
5. Section
6. Theory
7. Vary
8. Role
9. Significant
10. Specific

Exercise 2
1. vary
2. source
3. section
4. role
5. significant
6. structure
7. specific
8. sector
9. similar
10. theory

คอร์สเรียนวีดีโอราคาประหยัด โดยศิษย์เก่าวิทยาลัยนานาชาติมหิดล ตัวจริงเรื่องภาษาอังกฤษ เก่งขึ้นอย่างเร่งรัด เห็นผล มีเทคนิคเด็ด พร้อมเก็งข้อสอบให้พร้อม ประหยัดเวลาฝึกเอง




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